Heavy Shot (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation) by Toni Aleo – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Heavy Shot (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation #7)Heavy Shot by Toni Aleo
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I got this book I didn’t even realize that it was book 7, but it totally didn’t matter! You can read this as a stand alone, but honestly I can’t wait to read the others to the set!! This one was so good!! I haven’t read any sport romances before and I am glad that I gave it a shot. I was able to understand what the author was talking about and I ended up really enjoying the book. Dimitri loves hockey. It’s his life long career and his goal has always been to play for the Assassins. So picking up his mom, dad, and sister they all move from Russia to Tennessee! But just because his family came with doesn’t mean he wants to live with them. He stays in the players rooms instead. After a long day of practice, working out, meetings, and seeing old friends he’s ready to crazy. Unfortunately there is a tiny problem. Austen. She’s escaped a horrible abusive past and can’t wait to lead the farm team for the Assassins. She doesn’t want people making decisions for her and she wants to thrive in her new life and career. Only issue is Dimitri. Both Dimitri and Austen are given the same room. A mix up with last minute changes and not enough communication. Thinking Dimitri is an intruder, Austen loses it. Let’s just say that their first meeting leaves some marks. Boy oh boy do you need to read this book! It is funny and sad and you will just get sucked right in! Sports Romance for the win!

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