I Am An Outer Space Alien (I am an Alien) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Cindy Mayberry

I Am An Outer Space Alien (I am an Alien)I Am An Outer Space Alien by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Shirl shortened because she did not like the letter Y. Feels she is an alien. While other children like to play outside, she liked being inside playing on her radio. In doing so she invited an Alien to visit her, in hopes she belonged to Shirl planet. This story is so cute and fun to read. The children learn how to become better listeners and to accept change. The author continues to impress me with her children’s books. They are fun and interactive. While always having a lesson to be learned in a fun manner. The pictures are brightly colored and will keep your little ones interested. I am looking forward to seeing where this Alien book will go next.


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