Love Shots (Bluestone Series Book 4) by Isobel Reed – Review by

Love Shots (Bluestone Series #4)Love Shots by Isobel Reed
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Love Shots is a small-town romance and the fourth book in the Bluestone series. The story comes with all the ups and downs of living in a small town with that group of town folk that just can’t seem to mind their own business!
It was a fun read that had me laughing out loud at times, I think Bluestone may just be a place to be. I really enjoyed Isobel’s easy way of telling a story, especially since I’m from a small town and know how it goes sometimes!
This small-town romance has something for everyone, it has the strong headed, beautiful woman, the sexy cowboy who is trying to be laid back.
The banter between the main characters was fun and refreshing at times, and like I said, had me laughing out loud. Then there were times when the conversations between the main characters were truly deep and heartfelt.
Summer finds herself down on her luck and finds her way back to her home…. Bluestone County, but only to find her plans aren’t going to go the way that she hoped they would.
Teddy has also returned to his hometown after a bad tour while serving in the Navy, but now he has to not only deal with his recent purchase but has to duck, dodge and deal with a fiery blonde when she realizes, he has the one thing she wants.
There is so much detail put into this story, and even though it is part of a series, I feel it is a great standalone book! I hope you will enjoy reading about Summer and Teddy and all of the adversity they face as much as I did!

View all my reviews

Mary Espinoza. August 2023

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