Tequila Midnight (Southwest Suspense Novels Book 1) by Kathryn Dodson – Review by Kerry Carr

Tequila MidnightTequila Midnight by Kathryn Dodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a gripping story that had me turning pages so fast. The author immediately draws you into the story and the action starts from the page. The main character Jessica is a strong determined woman but she is also hurting and carrying a lot of pain around from her childhood which she hides by drinking too much Tequila and one night stands. My heart went out to her but also to her best friend Angus who tries so hard to help her save herself and stop her destructive ways. As someone who has watched a loved one drown in drink it is part of the story I can’t relate to.

Jessica is a Real Estate agent. She is used to crossing the borders and securing deals. So when she is offered a job of finding the missing daughter of a rich Mexican she thinks it will be an easy job with great payment.
As she starts to investigate she realises she knows nothing at all about this type of things and her investigating brings her to the attention of some very dangerous people. Can she find the missing girl? Will she pay for her searching with her life?
Add to this the constant battle she has already going on inside herself with demons from the past and this is because a fast paced story where Jessica doesn’t know who she can trust, and who is spinning her lies.

I loved this story and I couldn’t put it down until I reached the end. Jessica is an amazing character, I loved how strong and resilient she is, how determined she is to make things work and see things through no matter the cost. The author does an amazing job of showing the audience the internal struggle that Jessica goes through as she starts to fight and overcome her demons from her past.

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