Cruel Hate (Hidden Valley Elite Book 5) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Helen Dawkins

Cruel Hate: A College Sports Romance (Hidden Valley Elite #5)Cruel Hate: A College Sports Romance by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is Book 1 of Phoenix’s Duet (there is a prequel Cruel Start). Even though this is the beginning of the duet, it is the 5th book in the series. It is not necessary to read the previous books, but I highly suggest you do as they are interconnected and will give you 10x the reading experience and understanding of Phoenix.

Readers hold on to your hearts and stomachs because you are about to go on an insanely intoxicating rollarcoaster. Phoenix and Aspen’s relationship is part toxic part pure infatuation. They both desperately do not want to have the lives of their parents, but it seems that at every turn, Phoenix and Aspen are at each other throats.

It was never in either of their cards to have a baby, and definitely not a baby with someone so infuriating or distracting to their plans of a future. They also both can’t deny that they are extremely attracted to the other. As well as an all-consuming passion. They consume eachothers every thoughts. But is that enough to let their guard down around one another?

Everyone seems to notice the way they feel about each other, except the other person. They both keep lying to themselves that they, in fact, want nothing to do with the other, but yet can’t keep them off their mind. Their entire relationship or should I say “fake relationship” is very Hot & Cold.

There are so many things that the other does not know about them. They quickly are learning there is more to their character than what they originally judged them as. But so there are so many secrets, hidden daggers in their families, and so so much trauma. Will they ever make it past any of that? Are they doomed to recreate their parents’ mistakes? Or maybe even worse ones?

The ending will leave you gasping for air at the intensity of the cliffhanger. I can not wait for book 2 of the duet to see where their lives and relationship are headed!!!!

View all my reviews

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