Master Campania (Masters of the Consulate Book 7) by Sylvia Black – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Master Campania: Dark Vampire Romance (Masters of the Consulate Book 7)Master Campania: Dark Vampire Romance by Sylvia Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Well Hello Master Campania! This is Book 7 in the Masters of the Consulate series, and if you love vampires, witches, magic, danger with spark and sizzle….I highly recommend this series and this book. Sylvia Black knows how to pull me into this dark world and I cannot get enough…..

Master Campania is on a mission, that mission is to locate some witches whom will help him find rogue vampires. Trouble is brewing for sure. When Campania locates a group of witches that step away from their coven hoping for a better life, Campania approaches in need of information…what he did not bargain for was a witch that is full of spunk and sass….Willow, whom initially lies to him….and he is back for her. Campania is on a focused mission to find these rogues, but is completely drawn to Willow…knowing she is a witch and he is a pureblood…and not a good mix. Danger is upon..but will Campania be there for Willow when she needs him…

I highly recommend this series and I am already anticipating eagerly more!!

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