Notebook Mysteries ~ A Party to Remember (Notebook Mysteries Series) by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Elizabeth Sanchez

Notebook Mysteries ~ A Party to RememberNotebook Mysteries ~ A Party to Remember by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Most of the Notebook Mystery series can be read as a stand alone, but I think A Party to Remember needs to be read as part of the story. There is a lot going on, per usual, but this book was short and without much background information. There are a lot of characters carried over from the other books. This was a short read, but was good and jam packed with adventure. It is Christmas time, and a lot is happening in Emma and Jeremy’s lives- Mysterious dinner parties, weddings, adoptions, attempted murder… If you have read the other books in the series, you will love this one too. I am curious to see where it goes from here, after the addition of Henrietta. If you have not read other books in the series, but like historical mysteries, give it a try. There may be a few details you don’t quite catch on to, but its still a good story.

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Reviewed by @way2gosmartguy

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