Notebook Mysteries ~ A Party to Remember (Notebook Mysteries Series) by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Julie Johnson

Notebook Mysteries ~ A Party to RememberNotebook Mysteries ~ A Party to Remember by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love this series and this little novella didn’t disappoint!

It’s Christmas time…a time of cheer, happiness, and overall well wishes for everyone. Parties are in full swing and Emma and Jeremy receive an invitation to a local party. Others in their company do as well. However, the invitation is not sitting right with Emma. Something just seems off about it.

As life goes on, there are some insiders scoping out the party location. Certain aspects of the location change over a few days and Emma receives word of it. She’s prepared for the party and whatever will happen therein.

These stories are just great little cozy mysteries with historical aspects thrown in. Some of the books in the series are full-length, while others are more novella style such as this one. There is always at least one adventure taking place, and usually more are starting in the background. Emma is a strong character to endure all the things that are thrown at her, often times last minute.

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