House of Blood and Whispers by Natalina Reis – Review by Julie Johnson

House of Blood and WhispersHouse of Blood and Whispers by Natalina Reis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Cahki is a girl not to be messed with!! Emporer Min is after her for his harem and along the way to his palace, Cahki is abducted. How odd that she’s abducted by the Emporer’s son! Prince Sung-jin captures her in order to save her from his disgusting father.

When it seems the only “safe” option for saving herself is to marry the Prince, Cahki learns that they will have a very special marriage ceremony. They travel over a few days to the correct place, the deed is done, yet Cahki and Prince Sung-jin are better enemies than a married couple.

Will they ever fall in love or will they always have a strained relationship? Will the Prince be able to overturn his father and run the country the way he sees best?

This was an enjoyable book. I did appreciate the warning in the front of the book about things that may trigger a reader. There were several moments where I found myself laughing out loud while reading this. Cahki is a force to be reckoned with and her quips are unexpected at times. There were times I wanted to smack her or the Prince. The story was well-written and enjoyable!

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