Sins of the Father (The McIntire County Series Book 3) by Winter Austin – Review by Brandy Rymer

Sins of the Father: The McIntire County Series: #3Sins of the Father: The McIntire County Series: #3 by Winter Austin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Winter Austin did it again with another amazing, suspenseful romance book! I love reading The McIntire County Series, it grabs your attention and keeps you guessing throughout the book as to whether the missing girls will be found, whether is Xavier a killer, and who is taking the girls. Will Jolie be able to clear Xavier, or will she find out the man she is falling for is the murderer? I love that all of the characters that we have met in the other books in the series continue to make appearances in this series and that we get to continue to watch them grow in their families. I love that we not only get to see inside the mind of another retired marine but also the workings of a small-town police force and how they all work together to keep their county safe.

This story is all about Jolie, the sister of Ian, one of our bad guys from Book #2, who is now performing her deputy duties as well as learning how to step up to do some investigative work as well. We also get to know more about the mysterious Xavier and why he has been laying low, keeping his business all to himself, until he’s thrown into the spotlight when he’s suspected of killing the missing girl’s father. Xavier blacked out, and doesn’t remember anything, but will he be able to work through whatever is ailing him to help clear himself of this guilty sentence, or did he commit the crime? I am so excited to start reading Book #4 and see who our next main characters will be so that we will get a deeper understanding of their lives and tackle another mystery.
@Brandy Rymer

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