The Calamities of Camden Callahan (A Revenant Novel) by Brittany Tucker – Review by Michaela Massie

The Calamities of Camden Callahan (A Revenant Novel)The Calamities of Camden Callahan by Brittany Tucker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A wonderful tale full of adventure, intrigue, magic, and fantasy. This is truly a pirate tale to tell. From the first page, the first sentence, I was hooked. From the first few words, to the tragic death of Camden’s mother, I couldn’t put this book down. Camden fights against all odds and when push comes to shove, he shoves right back till he can move on his own. He is determined to move his life forward, even if it means facing the demons of his past. I absolutely highly suggest taking the time to read this, as I know I will now be on the lookout for any more of Brittany Tucker’s works.

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