Wild Lavender (Heart & Hand Series Book 1) by Nicole E. Kelleher – Review by Sharon Funkhouser

Wild Lavender (Heart & Hand, #1)Wild Lavender by Nicole E. Kelleher
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I am sometimes wary of a book that promises Medieval Historical Fiction with “strong female characters” because that narrative does not always come through as a believable story line. Wild Lavender absolutely delivers on strong female characters in a male driven time period, with Anna at the heart. I thoroughly enjoyed the dramatic twists and turns of Anna’s marriage to a sadistic traitor, her background both as a horse master as well as a member of a long-line of female warriors and as the Lady of the land that loves her people, despite her evil husband.
Ms. Kelleher did an amazing job of setting groundwork for future novels not only with this character but many others and I cant’ wait to read the next one.

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