Wolfbane (Wolfbane Series Book 1) by Celia Hart – Review by Rebeca Elliott Figueiras

Wolfbane (Wolfbane #1)Wolfbane by Celia Hart
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book in the Wolfbane series. I don’t normally enjoy love triangle books but picked this one up and wow. There were so many things I loved about this book (Blake!), and there were some things that frustrated me, but I think it’s a good sign that I was able to get so passionate about the characters and events taking place.
The premise was great, and while I wish some things had played out differently and more focus on some characters than others, I found it entertaining and engaging. It was well-written, flowing nicely and the descriptions conjured clear and vivid imagery of both the scenery and the characters.
I really enjoyed most characters, but my absolute favourite was Blake. I won’t allow anyone to say anything against him, he is precious and must be protected (not that he needs protection)! He’s so sweet and understanding of Jasmine’s beliefs and needs and I honestly wanted to stop reading at points where I felt he was not receiving the attention he deserved. He is perfection and no one will convince me otherwise. I also loved the effect he had on others for example, despite being the future alpha, he elicits a fun and more carefree side to Jasmine. He has such goodness in him, even with the darker parts and the terrible things he has experienced, that really show his true character and I can’t get enough of him.
Another thing that I absolutely loved about this book was the character development. Anyone who knows me know that I adore books with brilliant character development, and this one certainly provided me with plenty. Not only do we see the how and why characters start the way they did, we see the events and people which guide and shape them as the story progresses.
I enjoyed the refreshing take on the mate bond and chosen mates. The way the story played out in the end made me happy and the fact that there was no cliffhanger – bonus!
The bit I didn’t like was how drawn out the love triangles went on for and the way some characters were seemingly forgotten at times. I understood the need for it to play out that way to show the development of the characters and the events which unfolded but the amount of focus on it did cause me to take a break and come back to it. I also felt the development could have been even greater if some of the important/defining moments were given to alternative characters.

Overall, this is a very enjoyable read and I would happily reread. I can’t wait to fall back into the world with book 2!

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