Wondogfilled (Boys Unboxed) by Dr. Kimberlie Harris – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Wondogfilled: Look, a Dog! The story for children who love dogs between the ages of 0-8. A perfect addition to home and classroom libraries. (Boys Unboxed)Wondogfilled: Look, a Dog! The story for children who love dogs between the ages of 0-8. A perfect addition to home and classroom libraries. by Dr. Kimberlie Harris
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was such a cute book! I got it thinking that my 8 year old would like it. She loved the pictures and such, but it was super easy for her. This book is better for younger kids. I’d say this is a 1st library type book for kindergarten and younger. This book follows a mother and her son Kingston. Kingston loves dogs. While on walks and such with his mother they always look at the dogs around town. His mother points out the different ones and any new dogs they haven’t seen before. It’s their little game while out and about. One day his mom shows him a cat, but Kingston thinks it’s just a different type of dog. After his mom shows him a few different animals he thinks that they are playing a game. Mom will call the critter something other than a dog and Kingston will yell dog! You can tell that the mother is worried throughout the book about this. By the end of the book she has showed him animals from hamsters to elephants to a fox. I loved this book. Even though it was easy for my daughter we enjoyed the story and looking at all the animals. So many different types of dogs and I thought that the fox was adorable! Grab this book to read with your little one! You are sure to love it!!

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