Arriving Home (Lake Juniper Series) by Chelsea Lauren – Review by Shannon Fowler

Arriving Home (Lake Juniper Series)Arriving Home by Chelsea Lauren
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sometimes there are books that will drop a nugget of inspiration, an ah ha moment, the exact right feeling at the exact right time. Arriving Home had such a nugget for me:

“Reminding myself how small we are in the expanse of the universe, sometimes it helps calm my overactive mind. Other times, it reminds me how it is all bullshit. Because I’m living and breathing in this moment, and I don’t need to minimize how a situation feels to me. I’m allowed to feel it” -Elijah

This MM story is a hope for love. The romance is sweet, sexy and just what every holiday needs. A quick and easy read, this book takes you to a winter wonderland resort for writers. Picture perfect settings are bound to inspire some romance for writer Elijah, who is coming off an abusive relationship, is having a writer’s block and is wondering if true love exists. The perfect storm. Austin on the other hand is the head chef at the resort and loves love but believes he will never find it. Sure they both enjoy sex but they both also are dreaming, yet unsure of, finding love. The two form a bond almost instantly but this author gives it a slow burn covered by pretending to be boyfriends. We all know that never works out like the characters think it will.

Recommend this book and this author.

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