The Men of Eden Cove Manor by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Angela Hayes

The Men of Eden Cove ManorThe Men of Eden Cove Manor by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


5 Stars


The Men of Eden Cove Manor by Naomi Valkyrie is yet another sublime paranormal MM romance with a bit of a ‘why-choose’ dynamic. It never ceases to amaze me at the abundance of creative ideas that Ms. Valkyrie must have buzzing around in her head, as this is yet another highly original plot, distinctive from the rest of her works, but still with all the trademark touches and ‘personality’ that I have come to expect from her work.
Well-developed and cleverly woven, this story has vampires, mystery, action, adventure, spooky encounters, agendas, chemistry, emotion, humour, banter, supernatural elements, high stakes, a time crunch, quirky yet endearing characters, tension, suspense, danger, choices, Halloween hijinks, and a lot of flirting with danger. The story is set on/around Halloween, which adds an extra element of mysteriousness to the story.
Lucifer is a somewhat bold, bratty, and sassy individual who’s new to town. When he hears all the rumors surrounding “Eden Cove Manor” his inherently curious nature is engaged, causing him to make the impulsive decision to break into the manor and do some investigating of his own. They are just rumors after all. Right? But Lucifer soon finds himself drawn into a situation he could never have predicted- discovering plenty about the ‘Men’ of ‘Eden Cove Manor’, and himself, along the way. Throw in a little blackmail, a HUGE secret, time running out, desperate hopes, chemistry, and some much-needed zest for life- and things take a fun and intriguing turn…
Highly recommended reading.
I can’t wait to see what Ms. Valkyrie has in store for us next…
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Naomi Valkyrie!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

View all my reviews

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