This Egg Won’t Hatch by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Jennifer Crain

This Egg Won't HatchThis Egg Won’t Hatch by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This children’s book tells a story about a little bird who is eagerly anticipating the hatching of an egg that has been laid in her nest. However, as time passes, the bird becomes worried when the egg won’t hatch, and she tries everything she can to encourage it to hatch. She sings to the egg, sits on it longer, and even tries to teach it to hatch. But nothing seems to work.

As the story progresses, the little bird learns an important lesson about nature and the different ways that living things develop. She comes to realize that some things are out of her control and that sometimes the best course of action is to let nature take its course.

The book is beautifully illustrated, and the story is engaging and informative for children. It teaches them about the natural world and the importance of patience and acceptance. Overall, “This Egg Won’t Hatch” is a delightful read that is both educational and entertaining for kids.

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