A King So Savage (The Savage Duet) by April Moran – Review by Stephanie Runyon

A King So Savage (The Savage Duet #1)A King So Savage by April Moran
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kingston has always wanted Ava and has kidnapped her, using her brother’s debt of $2.6 million as his reason. His brother, Oliver, had drugged her in an elevator. Oliver wants to violate her, but Kingston warns him that nobody can touch her. Ava fights by using a paperweight to cut his face. While struggling to get away, there was a loud pop that caused her to scream. Dr.Abbott has to treat Ava while he keeps her in a cell. He didn’t like the situation, but he was loyal to Kingston. Ava wakes up from being sedated by the doctor. She hasn’t been given food yet, and she doesn’t know how long she has slept. Kingston brings her food and wants her to clean up. When Ava doesn’t respond and doesn’t try to eat, Kingston forces her into the tub and washes her. Humiliated at her situation, she relents by eating. Ava attempts to escape again when Dr. Abbott comes to check her sprained wrist. Kingston, who caught her in the woods, decides he is going to have to punish Ava for her repeated acts of defiance.

This is a slow-burn romance, with April Moran building suspense. There is a subplot that runs where there is resentment from Kingston towards Oliver, as well as Oliver’s hatred towards Kingston. Dr. Abbott doesn’t like the treatment of Ava, but whatever darker dealings the Winter family is involved in prevents him from helping Ava escape her captivity. The cliffhanger ending has me eager to read the sequel, and I wonder if Carson will make an attempt to steal Ava back. However, I don’t know if Carson is really a better option for Ava since he has little regard for her beyond her inheritance money. With a cliffhanger ending, I am eager to read a sequel to this fast-paced story.

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