Doombringer by Marcel Liemant – Review by Ayla Phipps

DoombringerDoombringer by Marcel Liemant
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Heart stopping bone burning story from start to finish. Before stumbling upon this book, I had never heard of the talented Marcel Liemant, but his name is certainly one added to my list of favorite writers. Every day is a good day for a dark fantasy and today that was Doombringer. The incredible cover pulled me in, but the mystery held me from page one.
Oden has had a lifetime of pain and loss but now he faces the greatest fear. The Mages of the Red Hunger are getting closer by the day, the smoke fills the air with doom and the end of all that they know. Since the loss of his wife, he has spent every day protecting his daughter, Penny, from the dark truth of the world around her. Sadly, doing so has led to him bolting hundreds of crystals into his bone pushing him closer to Ash Bone. Hearing from Kimri, that there is a creature in Havoc Mountain that could win the war for them a chance encounter hearing the creature leads him to hunt for it. To hunt for a hope at life after the Mages reach their village. Finding the Havoc wasn’t easy, and the collapse of a cavern leads the other miners to think he is gone but a final push for a chance for his daughter to live sends him fighting for life not only for her but for the people of Shard Moure. The mountain erupts as lava flows toward the village the mages nearing by the moment as Oden heads back into the dark tunnels to find hope in the creature. With the hope that Magdela the Wise was telling the truth that he was somehow connected to the creature as his only comfort that he could find it again, and that it would help.
What will happen when Oden comes face to face with Havoc? Will the Ash Bone take him before he saves them? The author’s creativity is beyond anything I have read in a long time. Their world so alive that in the darkest moments I found myself gasping for air or holding my breath that it wasn’t too late. While the story is only told from one perspective you feel that emotions and fear of all of those that Oden holds dear, his daughter, his best friend, everyone left in the village. He fights to save them all, even willing to give his life if only for a chance to succeed, to survive the war. I desperately hope the author continues this world. On the last page I found myself excited and ready for more of this world, more of Oden’s fight and what will come next.

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