Seraphina (Heartstrings Series) by Brooke May – Review by Juls Dick

SeraphinaSeraphina by Brooke May
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Seraphina is the 4th book in the Heartstrings series by Brooke May. Although this is part of a series this is the first book I have read by this author and was able to read as a standalone. Seraphina is a cupid, sent by the actual Cupid to take on cases on earth and help two people find their love. When she is tasked with helping hockey player Seth, she finds herself facing a familiar challenge. She has attempted to help Seth twice before without success, but she is determined to get it right this time. She just needs to take the right approach. I liked this book; it was a fun premise and easy to read. I felt it could have been longer as it seemed that the characters personality switched really fast, but I was a fun romance story.

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