Woman Unbroken by Alexandra Fleder – Review by Beverly Finnie

Woman UnbrokenWoman Unbroken by Alexandra Fleder
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Woman Unbroken is a woman’s story of perseverance and finding herself again after being oppressed down to nothing. Trigger warning for anyone who has been in any sort of abusive relationship. The story itself was written well but I struggled at times to get through it. It did get better as it went on. The author presents a very heavy topic. However it’s the way the main character grows and moves forward that’s empowering.
Devorah left her husband. Scared that he was going to hurt her with his paranoia and violent temper. He already reduced her life down to just him, what else did he want? She’s trying to move on but has no motivation most days. Until she meets Andrew, and those lack of motivation days start to lessen over time. He brings out a side of her she didn’t expect. Accepting and agreeing to things that surprise her. All this while still dealing with her soon to be ex-husband.
Does her ex-husband get to her?
Do Devorah and Andrew build a relationship?
That and so many questions come to mind while navigating this story. Again it’s central is dealing with a heavy topic and situation.
A story about women’s empowerment. If you enjoy a book around a strong female lead this is for you!

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