Master Botosoni (Masters of the Consulate Book 9) by Sylvia Black – Review by Kerry Carr

Master Botosoni (Masters of the Consulate #9)Master Botosoni by Sylvia Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the 9th book in the Masters of the Consulate series. They can be read as a standalone however I personally suggest reading them from then beginning so high you can full understand the story and the fight between the vampires and the rogues. Even though we are 9 books in the story still feels fresh and new as we meet a different Master and learn about them and their area and of course find love when they least expect it.

In this story we meet Master Bostosoni and Catina.
They meet because Catina is a psychic and Bostosoni hopes she can help him and the other masters in the search for the rogues. What he doesn’t expect is the sudden overwhelming urge he has to protect her at all cost.
When a vision that she doesn’t disclose to Bostosoni comes true there are seconds left to save her. Will Catina want to follow the strict rules she has been forced to live by her entire life or will she choose a life of freedom and immortality with Bostosoni.

These book are amazing while you always have the background of the fight and war raging between the Masters, rougues, shifter and witches, you always have to romance element in the case of strong protective vampire and the woman he fells for. Their connection and the bond is so powerful that you can’t help but be captivated by their story and drawn into their romance.
I’m so excited to see what happens next.

View all my reviews

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