The Other Side of Together by Emily Cox and Nicole Allen – Review by Tori Mitton

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”The Other Side of Together” src=”” /></a><a href=””>The Other Side of Together</a> by <a href=””>Emily Cox</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Mei Li moved from Vietnam to the United States when she was 8. She’s been helping run the family business her whole life. She wants to go to culinary school and be the best of the best. Then there is Marcus, he fell face first in love with Mei Li.<br />The way they passed notes to each other, or the texting. Omg!! This was an absolute devour book!!
<a href=””>View all my reviews</a>

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