The Rise of House Valdis (House Valdis Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Santana Hicks

The Rise of House Valdis (House Valdis #1)The Rise of House Valdis by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It’s been seven years since Xenobias best friend, Urd, was murdered right in front of her. In a rage, Xenobia ended up killing everyone involved. She has tried to move on not wanting to be a killer but when she sees women being mistreated, she can’t control her rage. Xenobia is not human. She is an alien from another world. Her true form being blue hair with black hair and black eyes. She also has powers. She can tap into people’s emotions.

When Xenobia witnesses a young woman being abused by two men, Xen loses control and pours guilt into them causing them to end each other’s lives. The woman being in rough shape and unconscious, Xen decides to bring her back home to heal her.

A police officer, named Matthew, shows up with questions for Xenobia. He knows she isn’t what she appears to be and she knows more about the case than she lets on. Xenobia has taken it upon herself to be a healer and mentor to all kinds of different women but only her closest friend knows what she truly is. It may be time that Xenobia shows her true self to save these women once and for all but at what risk?

I loved the prequel that was a novella of Xenobia’s Origin. You do not need to read it to follow along with this book but if you want to know more about Urd and Xenobia’s life, I recommend reading it! Meanwhile, this book was even better. Naomi Valkyrie is an amazing writer. They know how to hook you right from the beginning and keep you hooked throughout the book. This author is quickly raising themselves up to one of my top 3 authors I love!

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