Hood of Sedna (Stevie Capot Chronicles) by Mina Skye – Review by Deborah Joseph

Hood of Sedna (Stevie Capot Chronicles Book 1)Hood of Sedna by Mina Skye
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a multi POV story between Stevie, the cousins Sebastian and Gabriel, Shaw, and Jamison (only short POV for him) Some chapters have multi POV but are clearly labeled whose POV it is.)

Hood of Sedna by Mina Skye is the first book from this author that I have read. It has magic, shifters, fae, and more…. All the fun fantasy stuff one could ask for rolled up into one book. On top of the fantasy, there is also love, drama, and betrayal.

Stevie is a reincarnation of a beloved princess named Stephanie who was murdered. When she was reborn she didn’t remember anything at all from her past, not even her name, and moved around a lot due to the fact she never aged. The first family that brought her in when she was reborn is who gives her a name and also teaches her how to steal.

Sebastian and Gabriel both love Stephanie. Sebastian’s love for her was so strong that after she died he had his memory of her erased, this has caused some trouble for the two cousins since and many deaths.

Rowan Shaw is a bounty hunter who was tasked by the prince to find Stevie and keep her safe, but he is not who people think he is.

Jamison- a marshall who wants Stevie behind bars for theft.

There are a lot of twists throughout and it ends in a cliffhanger. Some parts of this story left me a bit confused and there were a bit too many POVs in some chapters but was an easy, quick, read.

~This is not my typical type of book I read so while I give it 3 stars others may enjoy it more and give it 5~

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