Hood of Sedna (Stevie Capot Chronicles) by Mina Skye – Review by Jennifer Reimer

Hood of Sedna (Stevie Capot Chronicles Book 1)Hood of Sedna by Mina Skye
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was an incredible book, at first, I wasn’t sure but then this book really got a hold of me, and I couldn’t put it done once I stated. It is mostly a paranormal story with an interesting twist with some steampunk, urban fantasy, Fae, history, mystery, suspense, adventure, and so much more that this book will have you gripped from the beginning. Stevie is one amazing role and she ahs the character with some grit and spit if you cross her the wrong way, and it really made me enjoy reading this book even more. She was very relatable, she lived with the people and society and her story was weaved into the story that it really made me feel like I know them and lived with them. This book was very enjoyable, and I can’t wait to dive into the next one.

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