Before You Say I Do by Marina Hanna – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Before You Say I Do” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Before You Say I Do</a> by <a href=””>Marina Hanna</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Liam is itching to get his hands on his inheritance, but it is untouchable until he is either married or turns 35. He didn’t believe in love and never dated someone for longer than a few months. He felt he didn’t have good role models on the love department as his parents marriage was a disaster and not something he aspired to have. That all changed when he met Emma. At first it was about the hooking up but that soon led to him wanting to spend more time with her outside of their bedroom escapades. Emma was all for the no strings attached hook ups and she was quite good at not committing until she meets Liam. She is weary of falling for anyone after an ex did her dirty. Emma had rules and they were strictly followed until Liam. She slowly threw those out the window and found herself head over heels. Things seem to be working out until her ex comes barging back into her life and airs all of her dirty laundry. Will Liam want to stick around or will he run for the hills? Emma and Liam give you all the feels in this book. Their passion jumps off the pages. I enjoyed their story and hope to read more work by this author in the future.
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