Breaking Apart (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Shannen Kern

Breaking Apart (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #2)Breaking Apart by Wanda J. Venters
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The first book in this series was incredible, but this second installment left me absolutely reeling! It was an emotional rollercoaster and threw in unexpected twists and turns. This one is also fast paced which left me forgetting about sleep completely because I needed to know what happened next. It does not start off slow by any means, and by the first few pages you will be absolutely enthralled. I truly appreciate that it highlights PTSD as I don’t feel like it is talked about enough, and these authors captured the heartbreaking points that some experience. There are some steamy romance scenes woven in as well, and the entire story flows flawlessly. Both of these authors are definitely on the top of my list of books to pick up, so I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us next!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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