Charming Chapter (Boomer Babes Book Club Romances) by Lori Haas – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Charming Chapter : A Later-in-Life Just Kisses Romance (Boomer Babes Book Club Romances 1)Charming Chapter : A Later-in-Life Just Kisses Romance by Lori Haas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a heartwarming “Later-in-Life Just Kisses Romance,” which had me captivated from the moment I picked up the book until I closed it again having read it in one sitting! Having joined a book club after the death of her husband Laura has settled for the single life. However, when her new book club friends tell her to ‘take a chance’, she decides to take her dream trip to England. Whilst in a London park Laura has a chance encounter with a handsome stranger which leads to them meeting again. As the attraction between Laura and Hugh grows she has to face her fears, but with the encouragement of her book club friends she’s able to face her feelings head-on. Just as Laura starts to believe that two lonely people from different worlds can discover love she finds out that Hugh has been keeping a secret from her, which may result in Laura having a broken heart once again. This was an enjoyable and engaging read and I literally could not put the book down as I felt invested in Laura’s journey right from the start. She is such a wonderfully detailed character and the connection between her and her book club friends really came across in the narrative. I love the fact that this is a later-in-life romance and the main characters are both likeable and relatable. The chemistry between Laura and Hugh really came across in this sweet romance, and I liked how they both brought their life experiences to the relationship and how their connection developed throughout the story. An Uplifting read, and I look forward to the next book in this new series.

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