Charming Chapter (Boomer Babes Book Club Romances) by Lori Haas – Review by Lucinda Morton-Phillips

Charming Chapter : A Later-in-Life Just Kisses Romance (Boomer Babes Book Club Romances 1)Charming Chapter : A Later-in-Life Just Kisses Romance by Lori Haas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Charming Chapter by Lori Haas certainly lived up to its title – this was a most charming book!
Laura is a widow who has spent her life putting everyone else’s needs first, but now in her 60s and widowed for 5 years, she decides it is her time to do something for herself. With the encouragement of her new friends in the book club to ‘take a chance’, she travels to England to research her ancestry.
One of her book club friends sets her up with a pet-sitting job in London, which leads to an embarrassing encounter due to a misunderstanding with a handsome gentleman named Hugh. As fates would have it, they reencounter each other at the local pub and end up dining together.
When they spend more time together, romance starts to blossom, but Laura is beset with doubts – after all, where can it lead when she lives in the USA and he in England? Is Laura ready to ‘Take a Chance’?
The story is delightfully written sweet romance, with lovely characters. It is the type of book that you curl up with on a rainy afternoon with a cup of tea and a biscuit, and end up feeling satisfied.

View all my reviews

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