Drag Me Down (Full Throttle Cyborgs Series) by Landra Graf – Review by Micalah Weatherholtz

Drag Me Down (Full Throttle Cyborgs, #4)Drag Me Down by Landra Graf
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Drag me Down is the fourth book in the Full Throttle Cyborgs Series but it’s the first book in the series that I have read. This was a totally unfamiliar world for me, but I found that I really enjoyed this book. I did not feel like there was anything that I would have missed, and I did not feel lost while reading Drag and Bridget’s story, so I can say this would be ok read as a standalone. Drag and Bridget were together once before, but they split when she betrayed him, so when she comes to him for help it brings up lots of still existing feelings that he doesn’t want to experience. It’s a great redemption, second chance at love, super interesting universe, and a well told story.

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