Drag Me Down (Full Throttle Cyborgs Series) by Landra Graf – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Drag Me Down (Full Throttle Cyborgs, #4)Drag Me Down by Landra Graf
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Drag Me Down is Book Four in the Full Throttle Cyborgs series. It is a cyborg sci-fi romance
with danger, drama, passion, chemistry, action, suspense, and cyborgs. Dakota, or Drag as he is known, is out for revenge after being betrayed and having his heart broken. Bridget is used to getting what she wants and will stop nothing to come out on top. She has been ruthlessly setting her sight on trying to take over Drags racers, his gang and his town but Drag has stopped her
at every turn. Now, Bridget is determined to get out from underneath the thumb of her gang sponsor and Drag and Bridget finds that they must join forces. Bridget thinks that she can fool him again, but Drag will not be fooled by her again. What neither expected was for the underlying chemistry and the sexual tension between them being off the charts. This book is fast paced with twists and turns that kept me reading until the end. The characters were amazing and unique, with a bit of an enemies to lover’s twist to keep you on your toes. The chemistry between Bridget and Drag is undeniable, but can they ever trust one another to have a relationship?

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