Fay’s Kindness Parade (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Shannen Kern

Fay's Kindness Parade (The Adventures of Cray)Fay’s Kindness Parade by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

We have read every book in The Adventures of Cray series and absolutely adore each of them. This one was yet another big hit in my household. I love that it shows that kindness can be similar to the ripple effect or as one of my kids said, like dominoes. Once you perform the first act, it sparks kindness in others and reverberates outward! Both of my kids enjoy the rhyming and kind of dance to the rhythm as we read. The illustrations are always eye-catching, and we definitely spent a good amount of time looking through each picture. Teaching life lessons such as compassion, working together, and helping others is wonderful. We also enjoyed the facts about turtles! I highly recommend having this at home or in the classroom. I have no doubt that it will spark conversations just like it did for us!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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