Finders Keepers, Cowboy (Match Made in Montana Series) by Rachelle Paige Campbell – Review by Angela Shirley

Finders Keepers, Cowboy (Match Made in Montana #1)Finders Keepers, Cowboy by Rachelle Paige Campbell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Meg is in a funk, her shop is not really doing that well and she is determined not to give up just yet. Until one day her 80 year old neighbour and friend asks her to help him clear out the old barn where he has tinkered for years, what could go wrong? Meg is in the process when her enemy Hank’s grandson decides to dampen her excitement by telling her to leave, but Hank is more experience and sees a spark that neither one of them are ready for.

Ryan has lived on the ranch most of his life and enjoys the hard work it needs to run, after selling off the cattle he has turned it into a tourism trap and is happy what is happening, although there is always a bane in his life. Why does his grandfather insist that Megan the neighbour from next-door comes over, see never shuts up and is always in his way but when his grandfather decides to clean out his converted barn but only lets Meg in which frustrates him.

Although they are frenemies something changes between them and the feelings which are blossoming between can they bloom or do they need to part ways forever?

This is the first book I have read by this author and I found it well written and the characters brilliantly developed, although at times the story felt a little clunky it did not detract anything away from the story.

I loved the character of Megan she was sweet and enjoyed life with a spring in her step and she was I think the brilliant heroine to Ryan’s rather grumpy, melancholic character who needed some lighter energy to enter in to his life. The story was full of light and a lovely read with some interesting secondary characters. Although I loved the character of Hank, the cankerous old man with the heart of an angel was brilliant to read and see him weaving his web around the two of them to understand that one day they would be great for each other.

I can’t wait to read the next instalment in this series.

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