Mood Swings and Hockey Flings (Hot Flash Hookups Series) by Sylvie Stewart and Marika Ray – Review by Jenni Bishop

Mood Swings and Hockey Flings (Hot Flash Hookups #2)Mood Swings and Hockey Flings by Marika Ray
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mood Swings and Hockey Flings is the second book in the Hot Flash Hookups series by the delightful duo Sylvie Stewart and Marika Ray. The first book Hot Flashes and Hockey Slashes started out with a bang and this one is just as good. I suggest you read them in order, so you don’t miss out on anything.
This light-hearted and fun Romantic Comedy is a love hate sports romance with witty banter leaving you laughing out loud at the antics and banter. These characters just cracked me up.
Banks Bennet is at it again and has a reputation a mile wide. What’s new! Kaitlyn is driven to succeed in a male dominated arena and finds herself between hot flushes and mood swings and one frustrating male. Well actually make that two because she wants to prove something to her boss.
The heartwarming tale has quirky characters who are to die for, and the chemistry and heat is turned way up.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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