oPlanting Seeds: Growing Mindful Children Though Yoga by Janice Pratt and Lenora Degen – Review by Faith Jackson

Planting Seeds: Growing Mindful Children Through Yoga (Yoga for Kids: Lesson Plans for the Teacher Book 1)Planting Seeds: Growing Mindful Children Through Yoga by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Even though this book is 85 pages, it’s full of knowledge about planning and kid-friendly which I greatly appreciated. Honestly, it couldn’t come at a better time cause I want to peel and ween my oldest son at 9 away from tablets, YouTube, and his game or being inside all the time. But yes, he and I now both enjoy gardening together to create a better bond. Also, I love, as a Taurs, (Earth sign) grounding myself into the Earth.
To watch and experience things grow in front of your very eyes after laboring over it, you’ll fall in love with its growth and the peace of mind you get from it and your kids will enjoy the process plus never forgetting what they’ve learned with a sense of achievement under their belt. Here’s to that!

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