Perfect (Perfect Series) by Tricia Copeland – Review by Beverly Finnie

Perfect (Perfect, #1)Perfect by Tricia Copeland
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Hmm… I’ve read books by this author before but Perfect threw me for a loop. It wasn’t my favorite. I didn’t love it but I didn’t hate it. It had some really good scenarios split up into parts. However it was a little rushed and all over the place at times. Each part overlapped to an extent so there were times you were rereading something you already read.
I think it’s something I would have to go back and reread. I feel like I missed some of the concepts the author was trying to present. The general gist of the story was good, that I can’t deny. I was personally just confused at times.
Chloe is navigating her way through life and relationships. She’s had some sweet and genuine guys along the way, but it seems some toxic ones as well. She’s driven and very empathetic, which makes her very relatable. Her character being well written and strong is what I enjoyed about this book. She has the same fears and insecurities we all have in relationships. Some of the awkwardness we may have about meeting new people. A character you could easily imagine yourself in her shoes while reading the story. That creation of a character is what draws me to this author.
Though this book wasn’t my cup of tea there’s plenty of positive qualities about it. The biggest being what I previously mentioned. The main character was created and developed nicely. I look forward at trying to read this book again as well as other books by this author in the future.

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