Perfect (Perfect Series) by Tricia Copeland – Review by Christie Mitchum

Perfect (Perfect, #1)Perfect by Tricia Copeland
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Wow! What a delightful and different take on a contemporary romance!!!

The book opens with our MFC at college and struggling with leaving her high school boyfriend hours away. She breaks things off when he shows up unexpectedly and reveals his plans without consulting her. Thus begins her long journey to finding her own HEA, which has taken many years.

I really enjoyed the way Chloe’s character was written. She is a strong female lead who doesn’t give up on her dreams yet is determined to find her own happiness. All the characters, even Chloe, are flawed, making them relatable.

From the synopsis, I wasn’t sure what a treat Copeland had in store for me. I was a bit confused at the beginning. Once I realized what exactly she was doing, everything became clear. The reader rarely gets to determine their desired ending, but Copeland gives us just that. I thoroughly enjoyed this contemporary romance and look forward to reading the other books in the series.

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