Perfect (Perfect Series) by Tricia Copeland – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Perfect (Perfect, #1)Perfect by Tricia Copeland
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟

This was a fun romance story that was told in a different perspective. I love how you are taken through a journey of the ups and downs that we call life…including relationships, dating and careers in this book and I see it being totally relatable on so many levels. I really enjoyed this story and its refreshing.

Chloe tries to navigate life and she goes through the years…different relationships develop as she tries to find her own “perfect” happily ever after. Giving her heart to one forever may take some time, but learning along the way on what she is looking for has not always been the easiest task. Will Chloe ever meet her ideal “perfect” person for her?

Definitely read and find out….this is a great story told in a unique way.

View all my reviews

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