Rhapsody in Black: An Elena del Carral Mystery (Rhapsody In… Series, Book 1) by Maria Elena Alonso-Sierra – Review by Sheri Schrader

Rhapsody in Black: An Elena del Carral MysteryRhapsody in Black: An Elena del Carral Mystery by Maria Elena Alonso-Sierra
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rhapsody in Black: An Elena del Carral Mystery is the first in a new series. The author uses her mother as inspiration for the main character, Elena, a world class ballerina and choreographer. Elena is invited to participate in a Gala performance by the founder of the Terpsichore Ballet, but also invited to audition in the unfinished ballet Black Rhapsody. What might sound like an exciting opportunity quickly reminds Elena of why she left the ballet world.
The story is filled with the wonder of the performing arts, intrigue, murder, obsession, and more. I always enjoy books diving into the dark side of ballet and this did not disappoint. Though many view this as a beautiful artform the story gets into the dark side of what could happen behind the curtain. I enjoyed the story telling and learning about Elena. It was interesting to see how everything fit together as the story progressed. The book is a fairly quick paced read and is worth the read. I look forward to the next book in the series to see where Elena takes us next time.

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