Stars in the City (Stars in the City Series) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Kerry Carr

Stars in the CityStars in the City by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an enjoyable YA contemporary romance. This is a story that has drama, angst, jealousy and a chance of romance.
Valeria has it all from the outside. She is a successful actress on a soap opera and was dating the hottest heartthrob around. But when said heartthrob dumps her for her best friend it leaves her feeling alone and betrayed. Not liking the spotlight her fame brings she shys away from it.
But when another actress from the show sets her up on a date with a up and coming star Valerie finds herself more in the spotlight that she wants to be. Will the extra attention prove too much for Valeria or will it uncover something she didn’t know?
Add to this mix her old boyfriend Davis. Davis is her first love and after years he has returned into her life. Is the feelings they once had for each other still there? Will insecurities that they both harbour stop them from progressing before it starts?
Has Valeria changed to much from the small town girl Davis fell in love with or will this be their chance to get it right this time?
This was a well written story with a cast of characters, some I liked and some I didn’t. The author describes all the complex feelings and emotions that Valerie goes through which really allows the reader to understand her. I look forward to reading more.

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