The Archcrusade: Tome One (The Archcrusade Series) by K. M. Hogenson – Review by Shannen Kern

The Archcrusade: Tome One: The Archspawn - Pilgrimage & PropheciesThe Archcrusade: Tome One: The Archspawn – Pilgrimage & Prophecies by K.M. Hogenson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was my first book by this author and what an amazing journey into a fantasy world it was! I was excited to pick this up because I thoroughly enjoy books on the longer side, and this fit the bill at over 1300 pages. There are numerous characters, but the author somehow made it so easy to follow each of them. I loved the multiple points of view as well because it helps me get to know the character that much more. It was extremely difficult to put this book down to do less fun things like work and sleep, but any point I had a free moment I was picking it back up. It’s incredibly addicting! The amount of time and effort put into this book is quite apparent as the author expertly crafts a world with such detail that it feels like you’re experiencing the story instead of being on the outside looking in. It took me a minute to find my cadence, but once I did, the story flowed beautifully. If you are looking to be transported to a different universe, look no further than this fantasy novel! I cannot wait to see more from this exquisitely talented author!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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