The Better Man (A Silver Buckle Romance Series) by Laurie Lewis – Review by Brandy Rymer

The Better Man (Silver Buckle Brides, #2)The Better Man by Laurie L.C. Lewis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Better Man by Laurie L.C. Lewis was such a sweet country romance story. This story takes place on a ranch in Colorado, where our main character’s parents have decided it’s time to sell and retire. When their daughter, Laramee finds out about this, she rushes home to confront her estranged father and her mother, to question their decision and try to talk them out of selling. Unbeknownst to Laramee, Jaime has already been hired to assess the land and the property to help get the best-selling price for their ranch. The two start out on rocky ground seeing as they both have different thoughts in mind, but overall, they decide what’s best for the Stone family is to find out what the best price is that they can get for the ranch while making necessary upgrades to the property together. While they were looking around the property, Laramee showed Jaime a place that she holds near and dear to her heart that will change everything for the Stone family. On top of dealing with all of this business of assessing the ranch, both Jaime and Laramee have to work through the issues that they each have with their own families. As the two work through their issues, they also have to deal with Sutton, Laramee’s ex-fiancé who is jealous and overbearing.

I love that this story has such a soft approach to the building of the romance between the characters. The beauty of the setting in this story is so peaceful and serene, that it brings to mind what it would be like to live in a small country community away from the hustle and bustle of city life. The descriptions of the Colorado ranch are such that you can picture what it was like at its peak and then see where it stands now after the family tragedy happened, it is all sad and forlorn looking. The characters are so solidly built that they are like characters out of an old Western movie, with the strong leading ladies, the chivalrous males, and the contention between the families due to misunderstandings. What an amazing all-around storyline this book had, I cannot wait to go back and find the first book in the series and see who that tale was about. I hope to see that more books are being written in this series, it was such a great read, with just the right amount of turmoil and romance.
@Brandy Rymer

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