Master Oradea (Masters of the Consulate Book 10) by Sylvia Black – Review by Angela Shirley

Master Oradea (Masters of the Consulate #10)Master Oradea by Sylvia Black
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Master Oradea is on a mission to locate the rogue vampire who is trying to uncover the secrets of the consulate but on his travels the pureblood vampire gets caught up with a fiery character who intrigues him but also, he needs to protect her, but he realised she does not need defending too much. So, as they are weaving through the crossfire something is discovered and if this secret of the stones they must try and keep this away from the rogue elements, but the battle lines are drawn, and The Consulate are ready for the battle.

This is the tenth book in this series and as always follows another Master in the Consulate, this adds the next instalment to the series and drives the story deeper into trying to uncover the rogue elements. These books can be read separately but there is a arch story which weaves through each book, and I recommended reading them in order.

I can’t wait for the next instalment in this series.

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