The School of Nine (Mythic Academy Collection Book #1) by Amanda Marin – Review by

The School of Nine (The Mythic Academy Collection, #1)The School of Nine by Amanda Marin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


4.5 Stars


The School of Nine is the first book in The Mythic Academy Collection series by Amanda Marin. This is a captivating YA fantasy with a magical academy/finishing school setting, Muses, sinister foes, drama, danger, high stakes, agendas, prophecy, legends/myths, good vs evil, family, duty/responsibility, friendship, journey of discovery, self-discovery, action, adventure, secrets, and a touch of sweet (clean) romance.
This isn’t the first book that I have read by Ms. Marin, and having loved her previous books, I was excited to start on a new series from her. I loved the premise, the whole ‘Mystic Academy’ aspect had me hooked before I’d even read a word. But then the first few pages certainly ‘sealed the deal’ for me.
Bianca Harper is a Muse who can trace her heritage back to one of the original nine Muses, and with that legacy comes the heavy weight of responsibility. She feels the weight of expectations on her shoulders – and she really isn’t sure she has what it takes to live up to those high expectations. She and her fellow classmates at Brightling Academy are learning everything a good Muse must know in order to ‘inspire’ all the artistic, musical, and creative ideas, which in turn then spreads goodwill and hope throughout all of humanity. But strange things have started happening, with an ancient prophecy coming to pass, and someone seems all too eager to speed those things along… And on top of that, Bianca and her friends discover that the well of creativity is running dry. Now they must find a way to help replenish the well, to stop the prophecy from completing, before it’s all too late. The very fate of humanity is riding on outcome. Add in a new male student- the first ‘male’ muse in decades, tension, suspense, dramatic developments, and a touch of romance- and the story takes a captivating turn.
Well worth the read- looking forward to Book #2!
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Amanda Marin!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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