Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider – Review by Amber Howard

Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin StoryTroy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C.L Schneider follows the early life of Ian Troy. We get to dive deeper into his life as a slave to Aylagar in the Rellan army. This version of Ian is so different than the one we know but some similarities still exist. This Ian is hopefully, he has something to prove and he believes his loyalty and actions will win him favor. He longs to be accepted and form friendly bonds. My heart aches for this Ian. Learning where Kya (his horse) came from was interesting. If you haven’t already read A Crown of Stones, I’d recommend you start with this story although it’s not necessary to the series. But knowing what lies in store for Troy kind of placed a shadow over this one. I think reading this prequel first will give you a different view.

I enjoy C.L. Schneider’s work. I’ve read every single story that has come out. So if you like this series definitely check out her other series Nite Fire, and her zombie novel Necrosis.

View all my reviews

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