Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider – Review by Jenni Bishop

Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin StoryTroy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story by C. L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 stars
Troy is where it all began for Ian Troy and is the prequel to The Crown of Stones Trilogy. This trilogy is one of my fav’s. I had to snatch this book up straight away when I saw it.
I love a good high fantasy tale and CL does not fail to deliver. I love the darkness, the unique magic, the rawness and the grittiness of the world, time and setting of the story. It is a cleverly woven piece of work set 15 years before the trilogy starts from when Ian Troy was a young man and still learning who he is and what the world is about. What is a story without slavery, war, death, danger, battlefields, action, drama, and lots of suspense.
Ian a young man treated so badly just because of what he represents. In slavery to a horrible Queen who sends him om a death mission. Will he be their salvation, or will he lose himself?
If you love fantasy this is a must need read.

Reviewed by @jennadb

View all my reviews

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