Unicorn, Don’t Do That! by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Cindy Rushin

Unicorn, Don't Do That!: It's okay if a Unicorn poops on your doorstepUnicorn, Don’t Do That!: It’s okay if a Unicorn poops on your doorstep by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a cute little story and I really liked it. Stega has to overcome some issues with other children who don’t understand who she is and what she can do. I was glad to see that her real friends did understand and in fact loved her ability to poop rainbows. I think this is a great story for any child who feels that their special talent is not very important or special. I think it will help them to realize that their talents are equally amazing and their friends will greatly appreciate it and continue to be their friend.

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