Be My Little Baby (London Detective Agency Series) by Stephanie R. Caffrey – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Be My Little Baby (London Detective Agency Book 2)Be My Little Baby by Stephanie R. Caffrey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What is there not to love about this book !?

Patrick , his fiancé Evelyn and James run their own PI agency and they went from just scraping by to a booming business thanks to their involvement in bringing down a crime family , the publicity did them well ….

It’s closing time and James is about to leave when Tessa knocks at his door and he lets her in , she explain why she needs her help and she been to the police and they seem to be brushing her off , why would a baker have a stalker !? Well I’ll tell you because she’s gorgeous and she has a successful bakery anyhooJames listens and he’s ready to help ….I just love the name of her bakery “ Cake Me Home” and there’s more than just her Victoria sponge that James likes 😉😜

Someone is out to unsettle Tessa and they’re off to a good start with the letters and the the photos start and I tell you what I’m freaked out for her !!! What blows my mind is the police just blow her off 🤯😡 fear not though because James and his crew are on the case

James may be a workaholic and not mix business with pleasure but Tessa is making him question his resolve …. While trying to find the stalker and guard his heart James has his “ hands full”

This really was a read I’d recommend with a smile on face ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This is definitely a series that BNC or ITV should adapt for the screen !!!!!

View all my reviews

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