Hi Little Brother, I Love You by Deniese Dennis

🍼〰️ 💓 〰️🍼BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE 🍼〰️ 💓 〰️🍼
Hi Little Brother, I Love You by Deniese Dennis
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Kids
Page Count – 26
Cover Designer – Imani Maco

Goodreads – Hi Little Brother, I Love You by Deniese Dennis

Bookbub -Hi Little Brother, I Love You by Deniese Dennis

A delightfully tender story celebrating the role of big brother and bonding with a new sibling.
Welcoming a new baby brother to the family is an exciting time of growth and transition. This book is great for preparing your ”not so little one” for the new role of big brother by promoting acceptance and participation in caring for a little brother.
In this charming book, big brother is extremely pleased to have a little brother and welcomes him with a kiss. From playing peek-a-boo to learning that cows go moo, big brother is great at showing the baby what to do. He not only helps to figure out the baby’s needs and teaches the baby to share, the biggest role of big brother is that he is always there, forever baby’s bestest friend.
This book is ideal for children 1-5 years. Its gorgeous illustrations capture the warm bond and friendship between older brother and baby brother. It highlights the joy and wonder in those tender moments that you will treasure forever.
It’s the perfect keepsake book to mark the start of a beautiful bond that will last a lifetime.


Deniese is a Jamaican, who currently lives in Budapest, Hungary with her husband and three

energetic boys. Her books include ‘Luca’s Special Blanket’ and ‘Mimi and Nanny’. Deniese has fun

memories of growing up in the foothills of the Blue Mountain, Jamaica and hopes to capture some of

that magic in her writing. Her love of books and writing goes back to her early years where as a

child, she would use a flashlight to read under the covers long after her mother had turned out the

light for the night. During her high school years, she published many of her poems in the Jamaican

newspapers. When she is not busy writing, she enjoys spending time with her family and cooking

with her kids.

Author Interview with Deniese Dennis



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